Early Years Foundation Stage
Nursery Staff: Danielle Yallop (Nursery Manager), Kerry Duff (Deputy Manager) Jaclyn Bailey, Laura Cousins, Victoria Napthen, Jennifer Smith |
Mouse Class (Reception) Teacher: Claire Pickering |
Rabbit Class (Reception) Teacher: Chloe Cunningham (EYFS Lead)/ Sarah Nuthall |
Support Staff: Mandy Groom, Georgia Watson, Danni Gunton, Lola Lumme |
Our EYFS Curriculum is carefully planned and well-sequenced to enable all children to make progress by knowing more, understanding more and being able to do more. Our practitioners plan activities and experiences that enable children to develop and learn effectively. We think carefully about what children already know and can do when deciding what to teach first and support children with gaps in their knowledge so they can access the same curriculum as their peers. We recognise that communication and language are vital for young children to develop and know that early interactions are crucial to children’s language development. We provide an environment that promotes and supports young children’s language and communication through frequent, high quality back and forth interaction, building children’s vocabulary by commenting on what they are doing, reading to children and engaging them in stories, rhymes and songs, modelling vocabulary and asking questions.
Ensuring children have the very best start to their education is incredibly important. Our EYFS curriculum is the building block of our whole school curriculum. We build on the knowledge and skills children learn in the EYFS as they make their way through our schools.
You can find out about admissions to Nursery here.
Our Nursery is an inviting and friendly atmosphere which is filled with fun and adventure and has access to the main outdoor area. We cater for up to 32 children with an adult to child ratio of 1:8.
Within our setting we offer:- A role-play home corner area for the children to develop their imaginative skills, communicating with others and developing their social skills whilst re-enacting their own experiences.
- A wide range of creative equipment, sand, water, arts and crafts and messy play which all children are free to access throughout the session. This allows the children to use their own ideas and develop their creative skills.
- A selection of block play and construction, all children have easy access to these resources, this allows the children to build, balance, design and create mini masterpieces. These activities support their gross and fine motor skills, incorporate mathematics and speech and language to aid in all round development.
- A cosy area for the children to relax, take time out, socialise with their friends or read a book.
- Access to our outdoor area throughout the session. We provide climbing equipment, role play, messy play and construction. This allows the child to develop their physical skills and enjoy being outdoors and exploring the natural environment around them.
- Song times and stories throughout the sessions as this allows the children to develop their love of books and sharing with other children.
- All staff encourage independence and confidence so that the children have the skills and assurance to take with them to school. The children are encouraged to sit at group activities and story times.
- We follow a routine which is set to allow each child to choose their own activities and develop at their own speed, we recognise that children learn in different ways and provide a wide selection of activities.
Curriculum Overviews:
Nursery Curriculum Overview 2024-25
Reception Curriculum Map 2024-25
Reception Autumn 1 Curriculum Overview 2024-25
Reception Autumn 2 Curriculum Overview 2024-25
Angel Road EYFS Policy 2024-25
You can find our whole school curriculum overview 2024-25 here.
Knowledge Organisers:
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 |
Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Further Information for Families:
Phonics- Reading at Home Booklet