Angel Road Infant and Nursery School

Online Safety

At Angel Road Schools, we take online safety very seriously. Keeping children safe is at the heart of everything we do.

Through our Personal Development lessons, children regularly learn about using the internet and technology safely. You can find out more information about our Personal Development curriculum by clicking here. We visit online safety regularly in our computing lessons and remind children of some key things before we use technology.

online safety objectives progression 1 .pdf


We send out regular information about keeping safe online to families through our newsletter. We also run sessions for families about this during the autumn term of school.

When we use technology in school, children are monitored by staff and by external IT systems. Our filtering in school ensures that children do not see harmful content or content which is not age appropriate. You can find more information about this in our safeguarding policy.

The internet can be a fantastic place to learn new things, play games and communicate. It is important that we teach children how to do this responsibly and safely. Teaching children how to be safe online is just as important as teaching children to be safe on the road or learning how to swim.

If you have any concerns or questions about keeping children safe online, please contact one of the safeguarding team through the school office.

We strongly recommend that you adhere to the age restrictions on Social Media apps and sites. Here are some of the popular ones for quick reference:  


Here you can find more information and advice about keeping children safe online here:

NSPCC Keeping Children Safe OnlineCEOP Education