Angel Road Infant and Nursery School

Friends of Angel Road

The Friends Fundraising Committee

The Friends of Angel Road are a group of parents, carers and staff who fundraise on behalf of both Infant and Junior schools. We meet up informally a couple of times each term to discuss new ideas. The Friends hold bake sales, discos, an Easter raffle and run both the Winter Fayre and the Summer Family Fun Day. Children look forward to these events with a lot of enthusiasm and they are a great way of getting the children involved in fundraising for their school.

Our aim is to raise funds and spend this in a way which supports the school in giving children opportunities and experiences which are not in the school budget. Recently the Friends committee have purchased and made contributions to:

  • The cost of coaches for school trips
  • Treats such as ice creams on school trips
  • Reindeer visiting the school at Christmas
  • Buying prizes for school competitions
  • New Christmas trees and decorations
  • Subsidising the cost of school trips to Africa Alive and the theatre
  • Junior school playground equipment
  • New books for libraries at both schools

Joining the Friends is a great way to meet other parents and build a community within the schools. You don’t need to attend every meeting, just come along when you can. Younger siblings are welcome at meetings, though we try to hold some meetings in the evenings too. The Friends would not be able to continue their great work without parents, grandparents and carers getting involved. Help at events, providing cakes for the bun sales and donations for raffles and fayres are always very welcome.

If you would like any more information or you would like to get involved please email  or find us on Facebook – ‘Friends of Angel Road Schools. We also send out newsletters in the children’s book bags with details of upcoming meetings and events.


Please come along and get involved!