Angel Road Infant and Nursery School


The Principles of our Curriculum:

- Knowledge is valued and specified   

- Knowledge is well sequenced    

 - Knowledge is taught to be remembered 

At Angel Road Schools our maths provision aims to build confident, resilient mathematicians who can work fluently and practically with number, solve problems in and out of context and use reasoning to justify and prove thinking. We use metacognition strategies (explaining our thinking) to widen children’s thinking skills and ensure that the knowledge we teach sticks with children. Our curriculum builds mathematical knowledge through a mastery approach to maths. Our curriculum encourages children to use concrete, pictorial and abstract (CPA) representations when working with number. You can find some more background information about these approaches here:

Everything you need to know about mastery in mathematics

Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract Maths

In maths lessons, Angel Road children will revisit and build on their previous learning through prior learning tasks. They will learn and re-learn key vocabulary and use this in mathematical talk. Teachers use appropriate assessment for learning strategies to make sure that they are able to spot any gaps in children’s knowledge and address any misconceptions or misunderstandings. Our children see teachers who model solving calculations and problems and give children the time and support to practise these independently.

We ensure that, from the very beginning, children get off to the best start in their mathematics journey. In Nursery, there is strong focus on communication and interaction and children learning the fundamentals of number and mathematical language. This continues into Reception, where children are taught maths through well-chosen tasks and provision. You can find more information about our EYFS curriculum here.

Angel Road Schools use Mathematics Mastery by Ark Curriculum+ to support planning, assessment and teaching sequences. You can find more information about MyMastery below. Our teachers use the curriculum maps to plan learning but they also change and adapt this depending on their assessments and the needs of the children in their class. Assessment in maths happens regularly through quizzes, questioning, marking and other methods. Children will take tests termly to help teachers judge what children know or still need to learn, ensuring there are no gaps in their mathematical knowledge.

At Angel Road Schools we hold a simple belief that all children can achieve and progress well in mathematics, so that they leave our school ready for the next stage of their education.

Supporting your child at home:

Talk about maths positively at home. Children are influenced by those around them - if they hear people say they can’t do maths, or they hate maths, they may develop a more negative attitude towards the subject.

Encourage your child to learn their times tables, especially if they are in years 3 and 4. Knowledge of times tables will help your child to be a confident mathematician.

Our children have access to Numbots (Years 1 and 2) and Times Tables Rock Stars (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6) to support their mathematics learning at home.

Numbots Times Tables Rock Stars

Subject Documents:

Maths Curriculum MapProgression in CalculationsCurriculum Design and Diversity PrinciplesTo see how the curriculum builds on our EYFS curriculum, see our whole school curriculum overview here.